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Android L (Lollipop) CyanFox Custom ROM for Karbonn A2+ | MTK6572 ubifs
Terbaru 2017
- Hay gaes kali ini team bejad cyber, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul Android L (Lollipop) CyanFox Custom ROM for Karbonn A2+ | MTK6572 ubifs, kami selaku Team bejad cyber telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai bejad cyber. semoga isi postingan tentang
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Android L (Lollipop) CyanFox Custom ROM for Karbonn A2+ | MTK6572 ubifs
link: Android L (Lollipop) CyanFox Custom ROM for Karbonn A2+ | MTK6572 ubifs
Berbagi Android L (Lollipop) CyanFox Custom ROM for Karbonn A2+ | MTK6572 ubifs Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Don't miss :
- What is Rooting, Custom recovery & Custom ROMS | Complete guide.
- Get Android L, Xperia, IOS Statusbar & Navigation bar in any Android device.
- Get Maximum Performance & Battery life.
- Pure Android L 5.0 Interface.
- Framework Lollipop.
- Pure Android 5.1 Notification bar.
- Transparent App drawer.
- Pure Android L Dailer & Icons.
- Android L transitions & Ringtones.
- Changing Statusbar Color as per App.
- Attractive Boot Animation.
- White Status bar Icons.
- Added Apollo Music player.
- Google camera and gallery
- Lollipop apps like messenger,calcu
lator. - Modules & Apps Pre-Installed.
- Butter Smooth Performance.
- Build.prop Tweaks ( 3G Tweaks, Image & Video tweaks, Performance tweaks)
- Supports INIT.D
- Xposed setting in system settings.
- Android L type call screen with Fox as default image.
- Pure Android L themed Apps.
- At the end you will love it.
- Goto CWM Clear cache partition & Dalvik cache.
- Goto Advanced & Fix Permissions.
- Link 1 : Screenshots of Android L ROM for A2+.
- Link 2 : Screenshots of Android L ROM for A2+.
- Link 1 : Android L ROM for A2+ MTK6572.
- Link 2 : Android L ROM for A2+ MTK6572.
- Root your Karbonn A2+ by this method : Root A2+
- Install Carliv touch recovery in your ubifs A2+ using this tool : Recovery Magic. (Connect your phone, enable USB debugging & Start the tool & Follow the onscreen Instructions).
- Install ROM by this method : Install Cyanfox ROM in A2+.